Hollands, Neil

Read on...Fantasy Fiction: Reading Lists for Every Taste - United States; ABC-CLIO; 2007 - 210 Pages; Paperback

So,you're looking for some great new fantasy reads? Or perhaps you're looking for fresh reading lists for handouts and to post on your library's Web site? If so, this guide is just the ticket. Created to offer a different perspective on the fantasy genre and reach a broader reading audience (including fans), the book offers new reading paths for fantasy lovers. It organizes more than 800 titles into over 100 lists, in such categories as The Magic of Threes: Fantasy's Best Trilogies, The Fellowship is the Thing: Companions on a Quest, Fan-to-Sea-Nautical Fantasy, and When Groan Men Scry: Puns as a Fantasy Tradition. The organization and approach are based on various appeal factors of the genre. A great tool for advising readers, creating reading lists for library Web sites, flyers, and newsletters, and making checklists or reading plans for adults and teens who enjoy fantasy fiction.


Bibliographies, Catalogues
